Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Let's Get To Know One Another: Favorite Smell

If I asked you to name your favorite smell in the world what would it be?

For me that's an easy answer--it's cucumbers! Hands down. There isn't a fresher scent in all the world, at least according to my senses. Though lemons make for a close second.

Now tell me yours! Is it a favorite perfume, the salty ocean air, something weird like gasoline?! I want to know!

(I'm thinking of starting a new series called Let's Get To Know One Another. I'll write about a little quirk or favorite or preference of mine, and you can share yours in the comments. I'm starting simple today but we can get into all sorts of interesting things! What do you think? Does it sound fun?)


  1. oh this is fun! I have so many favorite smells, but my top would have to be lavender. I also love the smell of Hawaii (a combination of rain and tropical flowers - it is so crisp and refreshing).

  2. Royal Standard Hosta in bloom in September! Big white flowers that tar the air with waves of honeyed sweetness. A sensory power matched to a bit of emotional melancholy -- because when those white trumpets appear it means summer is at an end. These flowers are the perfect bookend to lilacs, which announce the arrival of spring with a similar blare of yummy scent.

  3. You win the award for most lovely description of favorite smell! I'll have to hunt down some Hosta this September to experience this myself. I know there were Hosta in our backyard but I can't remember their smell...

  4. Lemongrass is my favorite!

  5. Ohh that's a great smell. That might be top 10 for me. Clean sheets specifically :)

  6. Hmmm this is a hard one for me! I have many favorite smells!!! I love the smell of fresh spring air coming through the windows. I absolutely love the smell of the Capri Blue Aloha Orchid candle from Anthropology. I love the smell of roses and currently I'm loving the scent of my new diffuser called Soul, by Apothia Los Angelus!!!! This is fun!!! You should do some more "let's get to know each other" posts!

  7. So glad you like this series! I have another one planned for tomorrow :)


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