Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Taste Of The Seaside

Our day trip to Seaside, Florida last weekend was so much fun! Seaside is a really sweet beach town and we had a great time exploring. Parts of the town center were a little bit crowded for our taste, but as soon as we walked into the residential area with its winding streets and brightly colored, tastefully constructed beach houses, it felt really private and quiet and peaceful. Here's a taste of Seaside.

It was really fun to walk around Seaside, but I would just love to go back someday and rent one of these adorable houses for a week. You could cook your own food, avoid the restaurant crowds, walk and bike to get around, and just enjoy the Gulf and the local scenery and these cozy little cottages. Doesn't that sound lovely?


  1. I've heard so much about Seaside...definitely need to visit someday!

  2. The water is just sparkling! And that precious church!

  3. It's such a sweet spot :) I hope you get there someday!

  4. Oh I know...I love the architecture of the whole town! And the water WAS so pretty and fresh looking!

  5. Ahhh, I LOVE cottages and bungalows! I can feel my muscles relaxing just looking at these photos. :)

  6. They were the sweetest little cottages :)

  7. Exactly what I said. I even have a picture of my husband pretending to carry one away. Decided to keep it off the blog!!


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