Monday, March 11, 2013

Sermon in the Park

We had the most lovely Sunday afternoon. It was sunny and warm and there was a crisp breeze to keep us cool. We were after fresh air and soul food, so this is what we did. We drove to a beautiful local park and walked a big loop around the trees and the little duck pond, and had fun stretching our legs and chatting and looking at the cute puppies and children that passed by.

After our walk we found a picnic table in the shade, I whipped out my iPhone and we listened to one of Tim Keller's free sermons. I've heard Tim Keller preach twice at his home church in New York and each time, I left feeling renewed and rejuvenated in my faith in a unique way. He has a gift for making the Bible come alive, making it make sense for all of us in our daily lives as modern Christians. He's inspired, and inspiring.

We sat side by side and listened to this sermon on the jealousy of God while the breeze whistled above us through the trees and the sun glimmered on the grass nearby. We learned that God's jealousy is not like most human jealousy, that God's jealousy is angered love that always stays love and doesn't turn evil. We learned that God's jealousy is about His desire to have a love relationship with us, to have all of our hearts and all of our souls. We learned that we have a jealous God who wants to be our first priority, who wants our fidelity and our intimacy, all because of love.

On the way home I mentioned to my husband that listening to a powerful sermon in the middle of nature was like being in God's church. Absorbing His Word and feeding our spirits in the midst of the beautiful natural world He's given us felt at once magical and fitting. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect Sunday afternoon.

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