Monday, December 17, 2012

Cookbook Giveaway Winner!

Today I'm announcing the winner of the Finger Lakes Feast cookbook giveaway! The lucky winner is.....

Felicia Klots!

Felicia was a roommate of mine in New York City, where we shared an absolutely tiny (but adorable) apartment for a few months. Our kitchen was also our dining room which was also our living room which was also our piano room (so it goes with life in New York). But we both embraced it--often I would come home on a Friday to find the kitchen smelling heavenly and Felicia busy making dishes for the traditional Jewish Shabbos dinner, with every inch of counter space filled with some ingredient she was using. I remember once she made cold salmon with a special dill sauce that was incredibly delicious! I know she will put our cookbook to good use. Congratulations, Felicia!

Thank you so very much to everyone who visited this post and entered the giveaway. All of the comments were so thoughtful and kind and supportive. If you find yourself feeling especially bummed that you weren't the lucky winner, I would shamelessly direct you to our Amazon page. And if you're interested, I would be more than happy to sign your copy, too! Just email me, or leave a comment, and we can find a way to do that.

Thanks again to everybody who participated--I wish I could send you all a cookbook!

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